Barely Eighteen TITANS parte 2 [Fred Perry]

Barely Eighteen TITANS parte 1 [Fred Perry]

AVENGERS – Age Of Ultron [Mr. Doritoz]

SPIDER GWEN – Bygone Blues [Tracy Scops]

Edge of SPIDERCEST [Tracy Scops]

SPIDERMAN – The Death of GWEN Stacy

The DARK COCK Rises [JKRComix]

VANDALIZED [Sunsetriders7]

SUPERHEROES [Interracialcomicporn]

TEEN Pipans [Mike]

BLACK Widow [Witchking00]

Los Oscuros DESEOS de TRIGON [Palcomix]

WHATS up BABY [Chiba Toshirou]


SPIDERMAN Especial HALLOWEEN [Witchking00]

LOS INCREIBLES – Frozono x Helen

BATMAN – Felinos Instintos [Locofuria]

TEEN TITANS – go to the Doctor [Palcomix]

TEENS TITANS – el Juego de la Culpa [Palcomix]